Monday, June 4, 2007

225 Article on Culture Candy

Yeah, checkit out! The "Culture Warrior"
behind Baton Rouge's
in this article from the June 2007 225 Magazine

1 comment:

Kerry B! said...

Hey Bill!

Would you mind sliding $5k my way for enduring the last five years here in this stink-hole you call a city? Jesus Christ Almighty, this is probably the most distracting place for an artist to live and maybe I do deserve something for having life sucked from my pores on a daily basis. You can bring your group by to tour our home and my studio if you can manage to spread some monetary love to a low-brow BR neighboring artist like myself. There sure ain't nobody buying my art here in this state of confusion.

Oh, and we talked with friends and they actually want to see all that Camille Rose Garcia stuff that Kelli seems to dig. Just remember, Jim Flora rocked the socks off long before that hack Tim Biskup was born so there will always someone out there that's done it better already!

Keep on!

Kerry Beary