Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ahhh..RT - Scene and Seen in BR

Hear that loud sucking sound? It's the whoosh of the BR arts scene conversation vacuum. Oh I know you are yapping about stuff amongst yourselves in small groups but where, oh where, has my public commentary on art and things artish gone to?

I saw something cool, let me tell you about it...

A few weekends ago I stopped by the newly spiffed up and spit polished Community Gallery at the Arts Council building on Laurel Street. I was lured by the promise of fresh, juicy work by painter Elise Toups.

Something I really love about Elise's work is the bright, hot, vitamin C, frenzied, energy that grabs you and pulls you into the work. Her lines vibrate your mind but you are not overwhelmed with that blast of intensity because of her tight rein on color balance. Bright hues are held in check by her use of muted greys, whites and cool tones.

This complexity is a tribute to her understanding of how colors work together. If these were purely neon light, I might get tired of looking at them, kind of like the hot pink socks and neon green sweatshirts that were the rage of 1980's high school fashion plates. If they were simple moody moderation, perhaps the viewer would just feel tired. The visual conversation Toups creates between the two extremes is witty, pithy and intriguing.

Portraits - human and animal, abstract designs and landscapes provided a plethora of subject matter that highlighted Toup's versatility and ability to create a cohesive body of work out of a multitude of ideas. My picks: her people portraits which are lovely, vulnerable and approachable and the abstracted landscapes featuring layers of leaves and light. This was a wonderful show by an adept artist. I am glad I didn’t miss it!

Have you seen something recently that you loved or loathed? Let’s talk about it. Artists need feedback! Sure you can talk to yourself about stuff, I am really good at it that, but folks look at you funny, and as delightful as scaring sheep-people is, maybe we’d better talk to each other…

What-cha’ got?

your pal Malia K.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the new Arts Council Gallery looks GREAT! If I were a visual artist I would jump on the opportunity to have a show there. I'm pretty sure there are slots available.

Megamuffin said...

The 99$how at Foster Gallery last night had some incredible Art. The diversity is a testament to how interesting the locals are. I purchased some great pieces by LSU photo professors, Thomas Neff and Micheal Book. Also a piece by Christopher Brumfield,friend.
There was John Smart and the Jazz Nurse for the ear and Art for the eye. Fun had by all....

Rachelina said...

Wow! It's nice to hear some good unsolicited feedback. Yes the new Community Gallery does look awesome! And there are some slots still open for exhibit proposals in 2008. I have to say ditto about Malia's comments about Elise's show. She is an amazing artist, and we were SO glad to have her!